T&D World Live Call of Speakers wraps up Wednesday

Feb. 14, 2023
The T&D World Live 2023 Call for Speakers is still open through February 15.

 Building on a successful inaugural event and the historic industry leadership reputation of T&D World, Endeavor Business Media announces that the second annual T&D World event will be held September 12-14, 2023, in Sacramento. Sacramento Municipal Utility District, also known as SMUD, has committed to supporting the event by serving as the host utility.

“For 75 years, T&D World has been the transmission and distribution industry’s leading source of information about current trends and technologies. Over the years, the traditional print magazine transitioned with the times, making content available through the latest mediums and technologies,” said Teresa Hansen, T&D World’s vice president. “We see this new event as an extension of our offerings, allowing our audience to gain knowledge by interacting and networking in person with many of the same subject matter experts and peers who contribute articles to our magazine and e-Newsletters. And, we thank SMUD for not only serving as our host utility, but for embracing the energy transition and charting a path for other utilities to follow.”

“SMUD is proud to welcome T&D World Live and its participants to Sacramento, where industry leaders will focus on the pressing issues of decarbonization, grid reliability and resiliency,” said SMUD’s Chief Operating Officer Frankie McDermott. “As a leader in zero carbon innovation, SMUD looks forward to showcasing our work to eliminate all carbon emissions from our power supply while maintaining world class reliability and rates that are among the lowest in California.”

Call for Speakers T&D World Live’s conference will answer the industry's most pressing questions and foster new ways of thinking. We are looking for dynamic presenters with new ideas to bring to T&D World event attendees. We invite you to share your experiences, advice, and tried and tested strategies at T&D World LIVE in 2023. Submit your speaking/session proposal at events.tdworld.com/2023/speak. The deadline to submit is February 15.

About the Author

EnergyTech Staff

Rod Walton is senior editor for EnergyTech.com. He has spent 14 years covering the energy industry as a newspaper and trade journalist.

Walton formerly was energy writer and business editor at the Tulsa World. Later, he spent six years covering the electricity power sector for Pennwell and Clarion Events. He joined Endeavor and EnergyTech in November 2021.

He can be reached at [email protected]

EnergyTech is focused on the mission critical and large-scale energy users and their sustainability and resiliency goals. These include the commercial and industrial sectors, as well as the military, universities, data centers and microgrids.

Many large-scale energy users such as Fortune 500 companies, and mission-critical users such as military bases, universities, healthcare facilities, public safety and data centers, shifting their energy priorities to reach net-zero carbon goals within the coming decades. These include plans for renewable energy power purchase agreements, but also on-site resiliency projects such as microgrids, combined heat and power, rooftop solar, energy storage, digitalization and building efficiency upgrades.