Sanda Tuzlic is a Managing Director at Accenture where she leads Accenture’s Net Zero Connected Energy Business globally which focuses on helping clients bring net-zero energy solutions at scale in the area of eMobility, decentralized energy resources, energy efficiency and flexibility services. With 15 years of experience serving utilities companies across Europe, Sanda has developed excellent industry acumen, especially in the context of energy transition, eMobility, market reform and digital transformation.
Tuzlic earned her Master in Commercial Engineering from the University of Antwerp.
EnergyTech is focused on the mission critical and large-scale energy users and their sustainability and resiliency goals. These include the commercial and industrial sectors, as well as the military, universities, data centers and microgrids. The C&I sectors together account for close to 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.
Many large-scale energy users such as Fortune 500 companies, and mission-critical users such as military bases, universities, healthcare facilities, public safety and data centers, shifting their energy priorities to reach net-zero carbon goals within the coming decades. These include plans for renewable energy power purchase agreements, but also on-site resiliency projects such as microgrids, combined heat and power, rooftop solar, energy storage, digitalization and building efficiency upgrades.
For EnergyTech editorial inquiries, please contact Senior Editor Rod Walton at [email protected].