ESS Tech, a manufacturer of long-duration energy storage systems (LDES) for commercial and utility-scale applications, has partnered with Sapele Power, a Nigerian integrated energy company specializing in power generation, to provide an initial 1 MW/8 MWh of long-duration energy storage.
The collaboration represents a battery storage system export to Africa financed by the Export-Import Bank of the United States of America and will also improve the efficiency of Sapele’s existing assets by providing ancillary services.
“This project demonstrates Sapele’s leadership in ensuring reliable electricity for homes and businesses with greater capital efficiency, which will be key to creating a sustainable and resilient energy system across Africa,” said Eric Dresselhuys, ESS CEO.
ESS’ iron-flow technology will provide safe and sustainable LDES, enabling load smoothing and peak demand shifting and helping the Sapele power station’s turbines ramp up and down efficiently.
"This project will deliver improved reliability and efficiency for our generation assets in Nigeria,” said Sapele Board Member Heather Onoh. “Long-duration energy storage will play a critical role in a resilient, reliable energy system, and this is just the first of many LDES projects that we anticipate in coming years.”
According to the International Energy Agency, an estimated 40% of the electricity consumed in Nigeria is produced from backup generators due to unreliable power supply caused by limited grid infrastructure, underinvestment, and ineffective regulatory frameworks. Such projects will provide an opportunity to improve grid reliability and efficiency by adding battery storage resources.