TC Energy is investing $29.3 million in a renewable natural gas (RNG) production facility near and utilizing the Jack Daniel Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee.
The facility, which is owned by Lynchburg Renewable Fuels, will produce RNG, which will have a carbon intensity score lower than that of traditional natural gas. It will result in a reduction of up to 16,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
Once the facility begins operating, a byproduct of the distilling process from the Jack Daniel Distillery will be processed to generate methane gases recovered as biogas. The contaminants will be removed at a biogas upgrade plant to deliver pipeline-quality RNG to a local natural gas utility. In the process, liquid fertilizer will also be produced, processed, stored and distributed locally.
“This investment is our first in the production of renewable natural gas,” said Corey Hessen, TC Energy Executive Vice-President and President, Power & Energy Solutions. “The production of RNG onsite at the Jack Daniel Distillery offers TC Energy one more opportunity to meet the challenge of growing energy needs and reducing emissions while providing customers with access to an affordable, reliable source of energy.”
All the RNG production and environmental attributes, including renewable identification numbers and low carbon fuel standards, will be marketed.
3 Rivers Energy Partners, an owner in Lynchburg Renewable Fuels, is developing the project. TC Energy and 3 Rivers Energy Partners will also jointly develop future RNG projects.