New York State Public Service Commission Approves $160M Battery Storage Facility

Oct. 24, 2023
The 110 MW facility will generate local property tax revenues and create 200 jobs during construction

The New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) has approved the construction and operation of a $160 million battery-based energy storage facility by Holtsville Energy Storage in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County.

The 110 MW facility, expected to commence operations by 2025, will be developed and operated on a merchant basis and participate in the wholesale energy market with no cost risk to ratepayers while offering reasonable rates.

According to Holtsville, the project will not only generate local property tax revenues but also create 200 local jobs during construction and some long-term jobs once operational.

Energy storage is vital to building flexibility into the grid and advancing Governor Kathy Hochul’s ambitious clean energy goals,” said Commission Chair Rory M. Christian. “This project advances New York State’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction and renewable energy goals as outlined in the Climate Act.”

Along with addressing fires at battery storage facilities, the decision expects Holtsville to submit an emergency operations plan, a fire control and suppression plan, including annual training for local fire and emergency response personnel, and notification and reporting requirements related to fires and other catastrophic events.

The company will seek the expertise of at least one professional knowledgeable with fire safety protocols to ensure the project’s design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning follow industry best practices.  

The project will have both direct and indirect positive economic effects on the town, county, and school district, as well as on the individual landowners participating in the project.

The effects will initiate during construction and continue throughout the operating life of the project. The short-term benefits will include additional employment and expenditures associated with the construction of the project.

The decision supports Governor Hochul’s plan to increase battery storage in New York State and aims to double the State’s energy storage target to about 6 GW by 2030.